A recent Ontario Superior Court of Justice decision highlights the importance of the duty of good faith owed by employees and the need for employers to conduct investigations in cases relating to employee misconduct.


In the case of Arora v. ICICI Bank of Canada, Amit Arora, a long-standing employee with 15 years of service, was terminated following an internal investigation into his alleged misconduct. Mr. Arora, who held the position of Assistant Vice-President, played a key role in two of the bank’s products connected to foreign students.

The central issue was whether the bank had just cause to terminate Mr. Arora. The bank claimed that Mr. Arora, while still employed with the bank, used its resources and shared confidential proprietary information with its competitors and involved two of his subordinates in his plan to defect and establish a competing business.


Although the court concluded that Mr. Arora was not a fiduciary of the bank, he still owed the bank duties of good faith and loyalty. Mr. Arora’s conduct constituted a breach of those duties. When given the opportunity to explain himself both during an investigation meeting and through a subsequent letter, his dishonesty regarding his actions and intentions further reinforced the bank’s decision to terminate him for cause. On this basis, the court found that the dismissal was justified and Mr. Arora was not entitled to any damages.

Key takeaways

Employers should:

Employees should:

Workplace investigations into employee misconduct, particularly those involving breaches of trust and confidentiality, underscore the importance of acting in good faith. Both employers and employees have a legal duty to act in good faith and play crucial roles in maintaining a respectful, professional environment where confidential information is respected and protected.

If you have any questions regarding termination and workplace investigations, please do not hesitate to reach out to Rodney Employment Law at [email protected] or complete our contact form here.

For more information about our Employment law services please contact a member of our team at [email protected] or complete our contact form here.

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